
On this page you can find out about all the latest community events and groups near you, including Litter Picking and Waste Minimisation events. As well as funding opportunities if you run your own group.

You can find out more about our local campaigns and how to sign up as a litter champion here.

If you would like to advertise a Community Event on this page or you would like to speak to one of the Love Where You Live team you can get in contact on 029 2071 7564 or

Alternatively get in touch with one of the community groups below!

Community Events

If you would like to advertise a Community Event on this page you can get in contact on 029 2071 7564 or

If you’d like to start your own group, get in touch with Keep Wales Tidy who can offer you lots of advice on starting up. The officer for Cardiff can be contacted at:

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