For two weeks this autumn, the Big Cardiff Tidy will be taking place across the capital, led by Keep Wales Tidy, Love Where You Live and Cardiff Rivers Group.
Meet at 09:45 at Fairwater Leisure Centre.
All equipment — gloves, litter-pickers, bags, hoops, etc — provided.
But if you have your own, please bring it along.
Please wear wellies, boots or stout shoes, and suitable clothing.
Come along and Make A DIFFerence!
Cardiff Rivers Group | Facebook
Upcoming Events | Cardiff Rivers Group
From Saturday 21st September to Sunday 6th October everyone is welcome to join in one (or more!) of the events hosted by Local Litter Picking Hubs, Litter Picking Groups and Cardiff River Groups – aiming to #LoveWhereYouLive and create a cleaner, greener #Cardiff.
Find an event near you – https://keepwalestidy.cymru/events/big-cardiff-tidy/
If you are interested in hosting your own event as part of the Big Cardiff Tidy, please contact us at lovewhereyoulive@cardiff.gov.uk or Gareth Davies of Keep Wales Tidy at gareth.davies@keepwalestidy.cymru