Mar 2025
Taff Tidy 21st March 2025

Calling residents of Cardiff and South East Wales, want to be a World Record holder?

To kick off #SpringCleanCymru, Keep Wales Tidy are partnering with Kate Strong to attempt a Guinness World Records for the Most participants in a river-clean-up (multiple locations)

The #TaffTidy will take place 21st March with clean ups in Merthyr Vale, Pontypridd and Cardiff

Our rivers shouldn’t be litter highways, so join in to make a difference!

There are 7 locations where litter picks will be taking place along the Taff:

  1. Brecon
  2. Merthyr Vale
  3. Pontypridd
  4. Cardiff, Sophia Gardens
  5. Cardiff, Llandaff
  6. Cardiff, Grangetown
  7. Cardiff Bay

Registration is from 11am -11:45am

Official cleanup is from 12pm – 1pm.

If you want to come along register on Kate Strong’s website. Follow this link to do so https://katestrong.global/taff-tidy


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